Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Haruki Murakami

"Well, there was no point in attacking a big bakery. All we wanted was bread, not money. We were attackers, not robbers." The Second Bakery Attack

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i'm on a roll

Vain Human Labor

Mining in a pine forest,
For rooster eggs and old ship heads,
Listening for what and who,
Your pickaxe breaks in two.

No more light,
it left with the horses,
A sleigh, that way;
there’s enough pine
But no time.

Forgetting a reason, lost in your heart,
All ships have sailed and words,
Written only on post-it notes
Get lost amongst directions.
Was it north or blu-fin?
5.8 miles then turn left,
Arriving at the soil’s epidermis.
You’re really lost now, but does
It matter?

Did that pick un-soil enlightenment?
Maybe that forest over there
Will offer you more,
A talking rabbit,
A blue stained rainbow,
A treasure box with answers.

But if this be the only green world,
Perhaps you should
Fix that axe,
Set it aside,
And call it a day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


i wrote this sonnet today. don't know what to title it. any suggestions?

A maple leaf fell from its tree today,
Twas reddish-orange, a plain frequent sight.
Me walking away, till ears heard it say.
This tree’s been my life, since born one Spring night.

And then three more fell upon the wind’s sigh,
Friends of the one, a curious thinking.
I never knew them, the lost one blew nigh,
Yet a fate still the same, we four linking.

The leaves now lay there, hard sidewalk their home,
Some most pleasant shapes, ‘gainst a morose stone.
Not-friends now huddled, still scared to be known,
Not long until rootless body turns bone.

A curious bunch, these four strangers look,
A terrible death, this strong friendship took.