Monday, July 6, 2009


Exactly one week from this moment, I'll be on a Cathay Pacific flight to Hong Kong. I've always wanted to see Hong Kong, especially after watching Chung King Express, followed by most of the rest of Wong Kar Wai's films. I am amazed at how beautiful city lights look at night on film, and although I'm not much of a nightlife person, I love the way the scene looks. I'm very much a visual person and I hope seeing Hong Kong in person gives me that loving feeling. We'll be there for 8 hours, delayed. Delayed sounds like such a bad thing, but this delay will be nothing but good and beautiful. If there were no such thing as delays, who knows when I'd ever get to experience Hong Kong, and for this reason I love delays. Our real reason for boarding the flight is to encourage the teachers and students in Indonesia, whom we'll be teaching, playing with. I'm actually going to be teaching. crazy. I imagined being a teacher once in college when I didn't know what to do with my life, but the thought wasn't pleasing. I don't feel as if teaching is my calling and this almost kept me from wanting to go to Indonesia in the first place. Oh the borders we place on our lives. Regardless of whether or not teaching is my calling, I know I have a beautiful life, one which needs to be shared with others, especially kids in less fortunate countries. Beauty is one of my passions. It may sound superficial, "You're passionate about beauty?". But I have always been fascinated by the beautiful, to the point that I desired to work in Hollywood since I was a wee kid. Of course everyone loves what's beautiful, but I feel it differently. Beauty is a powerful catalyst for change. I believe this because beautiful art has always motivated me. And God, who is ultimate beauty has always led me in the direction of beauty. Children are beautiful, animals are beautiful, love is beautiful. I could ruminate on beauty all day long, take photos of weird beauty all day as well. The garden of eden must have been enormously beautiful. What a beautiful world God has created for each one of us. I pray we allow our lives to be just as beautiful, by trusting in God's plans and choosing beauty and creation over destruction.