An elephant who longed to dream, came upon a bird in a tree.
Must be nice to sit so high, he said to this bird who looked to the sky.
You're free to join and see what I see, my tree is strong, could hold the Mekhong.
A river, I doubt, would fit in your tree, and as for me, it's no place to be.
Trees are for birds, monkeys and moths,
No place for this big, ugly sloth.
Big you may be, but your imaginations is wee.
I'll make a call to my friends at the lakes.
Alone I am weak, but there's power in numbers,
Just wait and see.
Kee-ow, Kee- ow, cried the bird.
Kee-ow, Kee-ow, just wait and please start to dream,
Your imagination has no need for slumbers.
With that said, elephant closed his eyes and focused on seeing,
Things from up high, things beyond the sky.
And for the first time he dreamt about flying,
and his body felt light, like a nice kite worth buying.
As he opened his eyes, he was up in the sky,
Light as the feathers that heard the birds cry,
And came in great number to carry a stranger,
Who shouldn't be dreaming, but took a small chance on hope and believing,
And now he sits high, where the Mockingbirds cry,
Observing the world with a new sense of being.
Thank you dear bird, you cared for me,
A tough looking stranger, thick skin and heart.
You looked at me and saw a dream,
Hidden so deep in my spirit that I couldn't hear it.